Exposure to variable viral and bacterial agents contributes to the development of postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome that persists for longer than 2 weeks after resolution of the main infectious issue. Kids are complaining about belly pains, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. Their social life and school attendance are greatly affected.
It is important to realize the above early in the course of the disease. Doing laboratory work will determine the absence or presence of pathology that needs further evaluation. Laboratory work should rule out bacterial or viral infection, autoimmune or other types of inflammation. Further evaluation with radiology and/or endoscopy, colonoscopy is prescribed if additional clarifications are required. It is important to help immune systems. Mild to moderate physical activity, positive emotions, good hydration, proper diet, probiotics and good amount of nighttime sleep will be helpful. It is very important to make sure that professionals are involved early in this case so that autoimmune, inflammatory, metabolic and infectious causes are properly addressed and ruled out and proper supportive treatment is discussed. School attendance issues, such as being tardy, easy bathroom access, special diet, a 504 plan might be useful to discuss with a doctor.
If any of the above bothers your child please contact Dr Treskova’s pediatric GI and nutrition office and schedule an appointment at
Author Dr. Erena Treskova